Dedicated to the memory of Roger Board

We have set this memorial site up as a small tribute to our Dad, Roger Board. We want him to be remembered as fun loving Roger, so full of life and cheer.  We would like to share the life and memories of a wonderful man, who touched and enriched many lives.

Celebration of the Life of Roger Board

Robin and Ilona chose an unattended cremation at the time of Roger's passing due to Covid restrictions, opting instead to hold a Celebration of his life in 2022. Also, to follow Roger's wishes, a stone which holds the name of both him and his late wife Jytte, will be placed in a Church in Surrey along with both of their ashes.  There will be a short service followed by what we hope will be a celebration to make them proud.  Details to follow...


There are no events scheduled at the moment.


Robin and Ilona would love for you to share your pictures, stories and memories or their Dad.

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